4 Mental Roadblocks That Sabotage Weight Loss

10 things the weight-loss industry won’t tell you

Above all else, treat yourself with kindness. You can’t picture the new you: For women who have struggled with their weight for years, the idea of a lighter and healthier version of themselves might be difficult garcinia cambogia dr oz to fathom. Feeling confident about your ability to succeed is a start, but a more concrete project can be a huge help, too. You might not be able to find the words right now, but creating a tangible reminder, like a healthy vision board covered in inspirational images, will help you start to recognize what your dreams look like.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://shine.yahoo.com/healthy-living/4-mental-roadblocks-sabotage-weight-loss-212600635.html

Plus, consumers assume that foods labeled low-fat have significantly fewer calories than they actually do, even though thats often not the case. Normal-weight consumers who saw a low-fat food label on a one-serving bag of granola estimated that the bag contained 141 calories, even though it actually contained 201 calories (a nearly 43% difference). For http://finance.yahoo.com/news/garcinia-cambogia-extract-investigation-now-190000760.html overweight people, the difference was even more pronounced: Those in the low-fat label-group underestimated the calories by 57%. Non-caloric artificial sweeteners like those found in many diet soft drinks have been linked to weight gain, though its difficult to prove cause and effect. Several large-scale studies have found a link between aspartame consumption and weight gain , including a widely cited 2008 study that found that the risk of becoming overweight or obese among people who consumed 21 or more artificially sweetened beverages per week vs.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://finance.yahoo.com/news/10-things-weight-loss-industry-130341514.html